Best PPC Management Company | PPC Services

Optimizing Campaigns for Maximum ROI: Our PPC Management Experts help you Convert Clicks into Customers with research-driven PPC Management Services where every advert counts
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Get everything you want with Orage Technologies PPC services. We offer a full-service solution to build, implement, and manage your campaign. If you are looking to drive targeted traffic to your website, boost your online presence, and maximize your ROI (return on investment), you are in the right place. Our team of dedicated experts crafts customized strategies tailored to your unique business needs. Here, at Orage Technologies Pvt Ltd, we will help you with the following:

  • Keyword Research With Target Audiance
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Budget Management
  • Ad Copy Optimization
  • Targeting Settings
  • Budget Management
  • Ad Extensions
  • Negative Keywords
  •  Conversion Tracking
  • Competitor Analysis
  • A/B Testing
  • Quality Score Improvement
  • Regular Reporting and Analysis
  • Responsive Bidding
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Continuous Learning

What is Pay Per Click (PPC)?

Pay Per Click (PPC) is an online advertising model where companies need to pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It’s a strategic approach for gaining online visibility and gaining targeted traffic on your website. PPC ads can appear on search engines, social media platforms, and other websites, offering businesses a dynamic tool to connect with potential customers.

Unlock Instant Visibility and Results; we turn Campaigns into Potential Customers! Our Campaigns are tailored to bring your brand in front of the right audience at the right time. Our skilled team crafts strategic campaigns that not only drive traffic but also lead to high ROI.

With our expertise in keyword research, PPC management services, ad creation, and bid management, we ensure every click counts. Whether you’re looking to amplify website traffic, increase sales, or grow your online presence, our services are your fast track to growth. Get maximum results on minimum ad spending with well-optimized, strategic, and targeted campaigns.

How Pay Per Click (PPC) Works?

In the PPC model, advertisers bid on specific keywords or phrases related to their business. The ads appear when users search for those keywords on search engines. The charges are applied for only the number of times someone clicks on their ad. The ad’s placement is determined by a combination of bid amount and ad relevance, making it a cost-effective way to reach your audience.

With 45,000 searches and 3.5 billion searches per day, 95% of online activity starts with a search engine! In such a scenario, a PPC Management Company like Orage Technologies have become more important than ever! With effective campaigns, a business can advertise its products and services on various search engines. Since Google is the most popular search engine, displaying ads in Google AdWords is an important part of PPC marketing.

Our Google ads services are Data-Driven. Our PPC business is a multi-layered process that includes:

1. Keyword research and selection
2. Competitive analysis
3. Offer management
4. Google Ads
5. Search engine placement

Benefits of Pay Per Click (PPC)

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Immediate Visibility
Instantly position your brand at the top of search results.
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Budget Control
Set and adjust your budget to manage costs effectively.
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Competitive Edge
Outshine competitors with strategic bidding and ad quality.
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Precise Targeting
Reach your ideal audience based on keywords, demographics, and location.
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Measurable Results
Access real-time data and insights for performance optimization.
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Customizable Campaigns
Tailor ad messaging and strategies for diverse goals.

Type of PPC Ads

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Video Advertising
Here at Orage Technologies, we create a video marketing plan based on the mission of your business. We produce all kinds of digital films, including animation explainers, software tutorials, business advertising, and social media videos.
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Search Ads Advertising
This is the most popular form of PPC. We target a highly relevant audience as part of our PPC advertising services. Our team of Google advertising service providers regularly monitors this for you. Allows advertisers to bid on an ad.
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Social Advertising
With social media's growing popularity, we offer many ways to reach your target audience. This is the best way to improve your business's relevance.
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Display Advertising
This is a form of paid online advertising that is essentially an image. The same goes for graphic advertising and our company really understands the importance of graphics that act like a magnet to get your audience to CLICK!
Remarketing Ads on Google
Remarketing is a strong method for reaching out to customers who have left your website and attempting to bring them back to it. It can also easily reach new customers, especially those who haven’t visited your site or who have not been purchasing your goods.
In-stream ads on YouTube
YouTube advertisements are another name for in-stream ads. These ads are paid for per click. These may be found on YouTube search results, YouTube videos, and Display Network’s video partners.
Google Shopping Advertisement
Websites with many items can efficiently benefit from Google Shopping ads. These PPC ads are displayed in a carousel either to the side or above the main Google search results.
Gmail Sponsored Promotion
Sponsored promotions through Gmail are an efficient way to create leads through direct response. Our PPC services configure your GSP to maximize the targeting capabilities and offer high-quality clicks.

What are PPC Services?

As a business owner, you may know that generating leads is important for your business. But do you know what’s the best way to generate those leads? One effective way is PPC advertising.

Pay per click services can help businesses to create and effectively manage PPC campaigns. With PPC management, companies can be sure that their campaigns are efficient and targeted. It also ensures that their ads are reaching the right people.

Our services can save time and effort by helping you create, manage, and target your ads more effectively. Additionally, Pay-per-click management services can help you track results and optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI.

If you are also looking for an effective way to grow your business and generate leads, consider Orage Technologies. With our management, you can take your marketing efforts to the next level and see the best results.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Services We Offer

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Facebook Marketing Services
Facebook Marketing services are cost-effective. The most crucial thing is targeting your audience. Orage Technologies offers many targeting features to help your business shine brighter.
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Landing Page Design
Orage Technologies offers multiple packages for Landing Page Design Services. These services help convert website traffic into true and guaranteed conversion. We offer awesome landing page design services for amazing results.
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Display Network Advertising
Google Display Network Advertising helps businesses grow by increasing reach to millions of people while browsing their favourite websites, watching YouTube videos, checking Gmail accounts, and using mobile devices and apps.
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App Promotion Services
We specialise in app promotion services. Orage Technologies serves app development companies and helps them increase the number of downloads of their applications.
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Remarketing Services
We help set up retargeting campaigns across multiple ad platforms to help customers drive branding, sales, and leads. Our remarketing PPC services help connect with people who have shown interest once and left.
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Search Network Advertising
Search Network Advertising is a budget-friendly Digital marketing strategy that helps drive targeted traffic to your website. Our team of PPC experts will help you increase your sales strategically through paid search network advertising.

Our PPC Management Strategy Offers

At Orage Technologies, we are offering our clients in the best way possible. We understand Google’s guidelines to run a thriving campaign. Our PPC professionals are Google ads certified and always try to learn new things to offer maximum results with their skills. Check the points below to know what you will get after hiring us for Pay Per Click services.

Testing & Optimization
Our team of experts is well aware of the importance of marketing. We always try to improve our offerings to remain one step ahead of our competitors. We offer a range of PPC services, including testing and optimization services. These services enable you to try a variety of marketing approaches and ideas to help you determine which ones are the best for your business.
Ad Copy Creation
Orage Technologies has a team of professional copywriters who have been creating PPC ads for a long time. Additionally, we conduct advertising text testing regularly to evaluate what performs best and gather the results into a database for future use.
Targeting & Scheduling
At Orage Technologies, we guarantee that your PPC campaigns will be time-efficient and successful. If your business is new to PPC advertising, we can help you establish the foundations and build up your campaigns efficiently.
Keyword Research & Analysis
Our pay-per-click advertising service uses various technologies to analyze your clients' search patterns and predict the phrases they will most likely type into the search box.
Optimisation and Management
At Orage Technologies, we offer a complete suite of Pay-per-click services. These include campaign management, keyword research, ad creation, and reporting. Our team continuously monitors your business campaigns and makes important changes to ensure they are performing effectively.
Conversion Tracking
Our team of experts manage and tracks every important metric of your campaign. This way, we can ensure your advertisements convert as many individuals as possible. We also provide expert advice on understanding and using your data to make informed decisions.
Monitoring & Optimization
Our team of professionals can help you with everything, from generating ads to setting up your account. Orage Technologies can help you keep track of your campaigns’ results. We also ensure that you are getting the most out of everything from your campaign.
Conversion Rate Optimization
At Orage Technologies, our services will improve your conversion rate and quality score. We create compelling PPC ads, develop lead capture forms, and test your landing page designs for an effective campaign for your business.

Why Choose Orage Technologies?

Choose Orage Technologies for PPC services and gain access to a team of certified experts who are committed to delivering outstanding results for your business. With our customisable strategies, transparent communication, and data-driven approach, we will optimise your campaigns to increase website traffic, maximise ROI, and drive conversions.

You can trust us to monitor continuously and optimise your business campaigns, offer dedicated support, and provide detailed reporting to ensure your success. Partner with us today for industry-leading results and long-term growth in this competitive digital world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a Digital Marketing model where advertisers pay a fee when their ad is clicked, driving traffic to their website.

Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their business, and when users search for those keywords, ads are displayed. Companies have to pay only when their ad is clicked.

Benefits include immediate visibility, precise targeting, budget control, measurable results, a competitive edge, and customizable campaigns.

PPC is crucial as it ensures your business is visible when potential customers search for your products or services, driving relevant traffic and potential conversions.

PPC (Pay Per Click) is a broader advertising model where you pay for each click on your ad, while CPC (Cost Per Click) is a specific metric that measures the cost of each click in a PPC campaign. PPC encompasses various pricing models, including CPC. The choice between PPC and CPC depends on your advertising goals and budget allocation. Our experts can guide you to select the most suitable option for your specific needs.

Orage Technologies is your trusted partner for PPC management, offering expertise in keyword research, ad creation, bid management, performance analysis, and reporting to maximize your ROI.
