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Over 10.8 Million websites are hacked every year. This number clearly says that website hacking is not a big task. But if you are wondering “How to hack website?” then this blog is for you. Hacking a website can sometimes take days while with proper technological knowledge and tools, you can do it in just a few minutes. 

Hackers use many techniques and tools to exploit vulnerabilities in websites. Here is how I did it in just 10 minutes.

Step 1- Gather Information About The Target

The first step to hacking a website is collecting information about the website that you want to hack. You need information such as IP address, domain, hosting details, technology stack, etc.

Step 2- Scanning

Now the next step is searching for vulnerabilities. For port scanning, you can use tools like Nmap. This tool helps to detect open ports and running services. For scanning websites for known vulnerabilities, tools like OpenVAS, Nessus, and Nikto can be used.

After scanning the vulnerabilities, It is time to do the real work. Let’s exploit these vulnerabilities.

Best Website Hacking Techniques:

There are various methods that we can use to hack a website. Let’s look at each of them in detail. By the end of this list, you are sure to get your answer to “how to hack website?”

1. Social Engineering or Phishing

    Phishing tricks people into using fake websites that look real. Attackers create these fake websites to steal information. When someone enters their login or payment details, the attacker gets this information. Attackers often use phishing to get credit card numbers or account logins.

    Another method is the “bait and switch” attack. In social engineering, attackers buy ad spots on popular websites. They show ads that look normal but lead to dangerous sites. When people click these ads, they go to a site full of malware. The malware then gets into the person’s computer, giving the attacker control.

    2. DDoS Attacks

      Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks tries to crash websites by overloading their servers. Attackers use “zombie computers” or botnets to send massive traffic to the site. This overwhelms the server and causes it to crash. Sometimes, attackers use DDoS attacks to steal user data by freezing forms. The recent GitHub DDoS attack shows how dangerous these attacks can be.

      3. Code Injection Attacks

        Code injection attacks happen when attackers insert harmful code into systems. These attacks occur when input data isn’t handled correctly. If an attacker injects code, they can compromise the system’s security. This can lead to further attacks because the system is already compromised.

        4. SQL Injection

          Another answer to “how to hack website” is SQL Injection. It targets weaknesses in a website’s SQL databases. Attackers use simple SQL codes to get data from these databases. The system treats these codes as legitimate queries and provides access to its data.

          5. XSS Attacks

            Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks involve hackers injecting malicious code into a website. When anyone visits the site and enters their credentials, the attacker can access this data. There are two kinds of XSS attacks: stored and reflected. Stored attacks keep the script on the server permanently, while reflected attacks bounce scripts off web servers. Both types can effectively steal user data.

            6. Exploiting Plugin Vulnerabilities

              Plugins in websites, especially WordPress, can be vulnerable. Attackers can exploit outdated or insecure plugins to control or crash your site. To protect yourself, only use trusted plugins and keep them updated.

              7. Brute Force

                Brute force attacks involve guessing passwords by trying many combinations. Attackers need a lot of computing power for this method. The longer the password, the harder it is to guess. Sometimes, attackers use dictionaries to speed up the guessing process.

                8. DNS Spoofing

                  DNS Spoofing attacks redirect victims to fake websites. Attackers change IP addresses in the DNS server to point to their site. DNS cache poisoning tricks the local DNS server into using the fake address. Once victims visit the fake site, attackers can infect their system with malware and use other techniques for more damage.

                  9. Cookie Theft

                    Cookie theft sounds harmless, but can steal important data. Websites store cookies on your computer during browsing. These cookies can contain sensitive information like passwords or payment data. If attackers get these cookies, they can steal your information or impersonate you online. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities, so it’s crucial to keep your software and systems updated.

                    Final Line:

                    I hope you have got the answer to your question “How to hack website?”. Follow the above-given process and easily hack a website in just a few minutes.

                    Disclaimer: This blog is only written with educational intentions. We don’t encourage illegal hacking. Remember to respect everyone’s data privacy. 

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